The terms of service agreement feature allows you to require guests of your to accept your latest terms of service before purchasing or interacting with your space. You can change the agreement as many times as you want, and it will ensure that the guest has accepted the latest agreement before facilitating a transaction.
How to set up the Terms of Service agreement
Go to the Community tab in the admin dashboard.
Select the "Legal" section on the left.
You can add your Terms of Service as a sharable link to your public document within the "Terms of Service" section.
After you update this field, when a guest purchases an external purchase (Day Pass, External Booking, or the purchase of a Public Plan, they will be prompted to agree to your Terms of Service before they can complete their purchase.
How to enable/disable the Terms of Service within your visitor check-in tablet
You can also opt to have the visitors of your space agree to your Terms of Service directly within the Checkin Tablet software.
Go to the Community tab in the admin dashboard.
Select the "Check in" section on the left.
You can toggle the setting on or off to "Require the Terms of Service" within the check-in tablet.
Happy Coworking!