The Coworks Occupancy feature is designed to give you a quick, accurate snapshot of how full your dedicated spaces are. If you rent out offices, suites, desks, etc., it's extremely important to know how many are booked and how many are still left to sell, as well as some data and metrics around that.
If you prefer to dive in to a live tour, click here for an interactive demo.
Here's how it works:
Head over to the Occupancy tab to see a list of your rentable resources (these could be offices, dedicated desks, etc.). If you'd like to use the dedicated desk feature, you can learn about that here. The "Suites" section will show your rentable suites.
By default, we show all of the vacant (or unoccupied/unassigned) suites at the top of the list, as those are the ones you need to take action on.
We also immediately show some import stats for you to track related to your occupancy:
Occupancy Percentage: The percentage of currently filled or occupied suites in your community. 75% Occupancy would mean your space is 75% full with tenants. Your goal should be to see 100% at all times!
Learn how to edit the percentage calculations here.
βEstimated MRR: The estimated amount of monthly recurring revenue that you should anticipate from your currently occupied suites. We generate this number by calculating the totals from the attached price plans on each suite. This does not include discounts, add-ons, etc., so it is just a high-level estimate.
Estimated Potential MRR: The estimated amount of monthly recurring revenue that you are currently missing out on from your vacant suites. This is essentially the anticipated revenue left on the table from suites you have yet to fill. You want this to be $0!
Use the suite import tool if you'd like to import a set of desks from a spreadsheet or CSV. Otherwise, you can create each suite manually.
Creating Your Suites
To create a suite, click "New Suite" in the top right of the Occupancy tab. Be sure to fill out important information like your suite size, capacity, etc., so you can sort and filter based on those fields.
The other important piece of creating a suite is assigning plans and teams
Assigning A Suite Plan
Assigning a plan is critical to understanding the market value of that suite so that we can generate revenue metrics and sorting capabilities. To assign a plan, you must first go to the Plans tab in the sidebar and create a plan of type "Suite."
Once you have created your suite plans, you can assign them to the suites in the suite form.
Assigning A Team
Adding a team to a suite will automatically change that suite from "Vacant" to "Occupied" after saving. This will auto-recalculate your occupancy percentage and MRR. You can remove a team at any point by clicking edit on the suite.
Sorting and Filtering
The Occupancy feature comes built with a powerful set of sorting and filtering options to make it easier for you manage your inventory.
You can easily sort/order your list by name, capacity, size, or vacant/occupied to bring the most important ones to the top.
Additionally, you can filter by price, capacity, or availability (vacant or occupied), so that you only see the suites that matter most to you in the list.
Searching Suites and Desks
You can use the search bar in the Occupancy tab to search your suites and dedicated desks. This can be especially helpful if you're trying to search for a resource assigned to a particular team in your community.
Happy Coworking!