Coworks supports two methods of capturing payments: Credit Cards and ACH/Bank Debits. Managers can update those sources directly in the dashboard here. Members can also update their payment methods directly. Here's how it works:
The "Me" tab
Log in to the member app and go to the "Me" tab in the bottom right. From there, select the "Billing" tab on the top right.
Note: Only team admins can view the Billing tab and update their payment method
Choosing a payment source
Next, choose the "Payment Methods" option.
You will be prompted to choose Credit Card or Bank Account.
Adding a credit card
For credit cards, simply enter your card number and click "Save."
Adding a bank account
Adding bank accounts is a two-step process. First, enter your bank information.
Verifying a bank account
Next, you must verify the bank account. Once the bank account information is entered, Stripe will attempt to verify the bank account by depositing two small amounts (usually less than $1). The member can enter those amounts by going back to the "Payment Methods" section and clicking "Verify."
Finally, enter the micro deposit amounts that were sent to the bank account to complete verification.
Select "Verify," and the bank account will now be fully chargeable.
Happy Coworking!