This article will explain success redirect URLs and how to use them in Coworks for use in your website forms.
What is a success redirect URL?
A success redirect URL is simply a URL on the web that you would like to automatically navigate a customer to upon the successful completion of an action. For example: if you've ever purchased something online and been navigated to a success page that says "Thank you for your purchase" or "Purchase Confirmed!", these are success redirect URLs.
How to set up redirect URLs in Coworks
In Coworks, by default, when a customer completes an action on your forms, they'll typically receive a "success message" and often times a confirmation email.
If you'd like to instead direct them to a custom-built success page where you can add additional messaging, follow these steps:
Go to the Community tab in the admin dashboard.
Select "Website Forms" from the options on the left.
Add a success redirect URL to the desired form.
Click "Save" at the bottom of the page when finished.
That form will now automatically navigate to the posted URL when submitted.
We currently support redirect URLs for the following forms:
Day Pass, External Booking, Membership Request, Tour Request, Public Plan Signup.
Happy Coworking!