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How do I pass payment processing fees for credit card or bank account payments to the member?
How do I pass payment processing fees for credit card or bank account payments to the member?

How to edit the settings for passing transaction fees (for credit cards or bank accounts) to your members.

DeShawn Brown avatar
Written by DeShawn Brown
Updated over 4 months ago

In this article we'll show you how to pass the Stripe credit card or bank processing fees to your members for each transaction.

How to pass Transaction Fees to members (For Recurring Membership Invoices)

  1. Navigate to the Community tab.

  2. Select the "Billing" tab or follow this link.

  3. Toggle the "Pass Credit Card fee to Member" and/or the "Pass bank account fee to Member" options on or off based on your preferences.

  4. Press "Save."

What happens next?

When new members or teams are added with recurring plans, Coworks checks the default payment source against your configured Pass Fees settings and applies fees as needed during invoice creation.

NOTE: Passing fees on recurring invoices requires a customer to have a default payment method present (card or bank). This allows the system to know how their invoices intend to get paid and apply the correct fee. If there is no card or bank on file, please use the "Fee behavior when no default source" setting.

Understand more about fees for emailed invoices here.

Invoices are final after creation, so fees cannot be added to invoices later. This is to protect the member from being charged unexpected amounts and to provide consistency for your accounting records.

Passing Fees when creating a one-off invoice

When creating a one-off invoice manually via the dashboard, you can simply choose whether or not to pass the transaction fee at the time of creation. It will default to the appropriate fee based on your settings, however, you can override and change as you see fit.

Passing Fees For Day Pass/External Bookings

For other transactions like day passes or external bookings, you can decide whether to pass the transaction fees to the customers via your community billing settings.

Just toggle on the settings to pass the fee and click save at the bottom to start passing fees.

This will automatically update your checkout forms to include the fees

Skipping Transaction Fees for Customers

You can customize on a case-by-case basis for each team whether to apply fees based on community settings or to define customer behavior for that customer. Imagine, for example, you have a customer that pays you via check and therefore should not incur any fees on their invoices.
You can do this by going to the team's membership tab and updating their billing settings.

Learn more about that feature here.

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