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Members & Teams
Members & Teams

Everything related to the Members and Teams in your Directory.

How to Activate/Deactivate Teams and MembersHow to view and change teams and members from active to inactive, and vice versa.
How to use the Onboarding status on a member's profileHow to use the onboarding status flag on a member profile to track which members have completed onboarding.
How to give teams the ability to automatically add a free team memberUse this link when you want to give a team the ability to add free members to their team.
How can I control the default privacy settings for members in the Directory?Set the default privacy settings for members, to choose what contact information is shown to members in the member mobile app Directory.
How can members edit their privacy settings?How members can update their privacy settings to control whether their information is shown in the Directory on the member mobile app
How to view and edit a member's privacy settingsWhere to see and update the privacy settings for a member in your community
How do I utilize the Custom Fields functionality?How to use custom fields for leads and members, and how to find reports on your custom fields.
How To Change a Team's AdminHow to update which member is the team admin for a particular team.
How to Change a Member's TeamHow to move a member to a different team
How to move teams to another CampusHow can I change a member or team's campus, or move a full team from one location to another within my community?
How to see who has logged in to the member appHow to find out which of your members have been able to successfully download and log in to the member mobile app from the onboarding email
How to store and view documents and files for teams or membersHow to upload files and important docs (like lease or membership contracts) and attach them to a member or team's profile
How to filter and sort your directoryUse the filter & sort options to organize your members and teams in ascending or descending order by name, checked in, joined date, & more.
How to find out which members have deactivated their membershipsFind how many members have left your coworking space, which is helpful for figuring out your churn rate
How to see which members guests were coming to visitHow to view which members had visitors in your space.
How To Use Member GroupsHow to add members to custom groups, send email & text announcements to those groups, and share events to custom member groups.
Sending Emails Using The Announcements FeatureHow to use the Announcements feature to send an email to members, teams, or groups in your community.
Sending Push Notifications + SMS Messages Using the Announcements FeatureHow to use Announcements to send push notifications and SMS messages to your members.
How To Use Visitor Check-insHow to use the visitor check-in system to capture guest and visitor information and accurately track and manage who has been in your space.
Add photos/attachments to emails and AnnouncementsHow to add photos or attach images, files, and documents to Announcement emails and the Onboarding Email sent to your members.
Visitor Check Out on the TabletHow can visitors check out of your space?
How to make the "Email" field on visitor check-in optionalMake the email field optional when checking in guests/visitors via the visitor check-in tablet and in the admin dashboard.
Adding Photos/Attachments to the onboarding emailAdd photos and file attachments to your member welcome email when inviting them to Coworks.
How to use Custom Email Announcement TemplatesHow to create custom templates to use for sending email announcements to your members.