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Bookings & Events
Bookings & Events

This is everything related to the booking system and calendar of events

What is the difference between a Location and a Room when booking?The difference between choosing a "Room" or a "Location" for bookings and events in the Calendar.
How to manage and remove attendees from an eventManage the attendees of the events in your Calendar
How to set the minimum duration for external bookingsHow to set the minimum booking length required for non-member bookings of conference rooms, meeting rooms, and equipment.
How to set half/full day rates for external bookings of rooms and desksHow to set specific half and full day hourly and bulk rates for external bookings on conference/meeting rooms and hot desks
What is the Booking Hours feature?Everything you need to know about Booking Hours, conference rooms, and time allowances for the month.
How to import bookingsHow to import or migrate bookings and events from other systems or calendars such as Google Calendar (GCal), Outlook, etc. via .CSV
How to Share Your Events with Non-MembersHow to use the Public Events Page to generate links to share events on your website, emailed newsletter, social media, etc.
Booking Overage Calculation UpdateAbout the change in logic to move member overages from plans to rooms and how we calculate the booking overage report.
How to control event visibility and make campus-specific eventsHow to create and share events that are only visible to members of a specific campus or set of campuses instead of your entire community.
How do I create an Event in Coworks?How to add events in the Coworks Calendar and use features such as in-app registration.
How To Use Booking Lead TimeSet a minimum time in advance that bookings can be made to ensure proper lead time before reservations
How to manage a team's bookings through the Bookings tabHow to see a historical log of all of a team's bookings for troubleshooting.
How to create Hot Desks for public booking of your spaceHow to use the hot desk feature to publicly list desks to guests for full day or half day rental and reservation at an hourly rate
How To Show Current Booking Capacity Banner in MobileHow to enable a dynamic banner in the member app that shows the current capacity or occupancy status of your bookable rooms and spaces
How to force padding between bookings in your conference roomsCreate space or padding between bookings to allow for setup, cleaning, etc. This will guarantee your staff has time between member bookings
How to set booking availability schedules for your individual Conference Rooms and EquipmentSet a schedule of availability for booking hours on your conference rooms or equipment, so they are only bookable during approved times
How to use the External Bookings featureHow to list your rooms publicly on your site for booking at an hourly rate. Use this to rent your spaces to guests for additional revenue
Where can I update member booking email notification preferences?Where to find and edit the settings for member booking notifications and emails.
How do I use room permissions?To add certain permissions on rooms or equipment, follow these instructions:
What are the differences between rooms, spaces, and equipment?The nuances between the types of bookable resources in Coworks and how they are available to members
How do I turn the conference room tablet "Book Now" button on/off?How to enable/disable the conference room tablet "Book Now" button.
How do members know how many booking hours they have left in a month?Understanding the messaging & notifications for members booking conference rooms, as they relate to booking hours allowances.
How do I utilize the Equipment Booking feature?How to set up equipment for booking through Coworks.
How to set daily member booking limitsHow to set global daily limits for members or by room per member to cap the amount of hours a member can book in a day.
How to prevent bookings in your space from being made too far in advanceSet a maximum time in advance that members and guests can book your space
How can I archive a room?How to remove or hide a room from your list of active bookable rooms, without deleting it.
How to restore an archived roomHow to reactivate an archived or hidden room in Coworks, so it can be booked or reserved again.
What is the public booking list?How to use the public booking list to see the schedule of bookings for each room or piece of equipment.
How to cancel an eventHow to cancel or delete an event from the Calendar for your campus, and how to restore cancelled events
How to create SpacesHow to add spaces to be used as locations for events
How do I make events public or private by default?How to change the default visibility for events added to the Calendar.
How To View Event AttendeesView the attendees for each event directly in the Calendar tab of the admin dashboard or the mobile app
How to edit your Calendar entries in CoworksHow to modify or update existing Calendar Entries for bookings or events.
How to use Blackout Dates for holidays or building closuresHow to set specific blackout dates or holidays for your space to prevent bookings and Day Pass purchases.
How to set hours of operation/booking schedules for guest external bookings and day passesDefine the days and hours per campus, that your non members/guests can book your conference rooms/desks or purchase day passes externally.
How can I view a team's remaining booking hours?How to view how many conference room booking hours a team has left for the month.
Events Image Size RequirementsWhat size photos should you use for your events in Coworks?
How can members book for longer than 4 hours through the member mobile app?How to configure your community settings so members can exceed the 4 hour booking duration when creating bookings in the member mobile app.
How to Duplicate an EventDuplicate or copy Events in your Coworks Calendar, to save time if you're hosting the same event more than once.
How to message the attendees of an eventHow to send email messages and announcements to communicate to all of the guests and members who rsvp to your events.
Guest Invitation Feature: How members can promote and invite guests to public eventsProviding a seamless experience for members to invite guests to public events while providing enhanced tracking for community managers.
How to Create Recurring BookingsLearn how you and your staff can create daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurring bookings for easy Calendar management.
What is the Booking Credits feature?Everything you need to know about booking credits, conference rooms, and time allowances for the month.
Member Booking Overage Auto ChargeLearn how booking overage fees are added to a one-off invoice or the next invoice and how to update your settings for this option.
How To Share A Public Events CalendarHow to view and integrate the public events calendar to your website to broadcast events to the general public and your community
How to use Passport BookingsHow to use the passport bookings feature to book space in your rooms for members in other Coworks communities
How to Add an Invoice to an External BookingIn the article, you will learn how to add a one-off invoice to an external booking when booking on behalf of your guest.